Do you have more than one GitHub account?
Your account in our program is tied to your GitHub account. If you have multiple GitHub accounts, it is possible you purchased your appointment with one account, and are now logging in with a different account. If you need to access the account your purchase is associated with, follow these steps:
- Open an incognito window in your Chrome or Edge browser.
- Navigate to the HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification Exam Portal.
- Log in using the same GitHub account you used to purchase your exam appointment.
- Select Schedule/Take Exam on the left sidebar.
- Click the Go To Certiverse Exam Platform button.
- Check your dashboard to see if your exam appears.
If you have more GitHub accounts, you can repeat these steps with your different accounts, but be sure to close and reopen a new incognito window for each new GitHub account.
If you created multiple Exam Portal accounts with your different GitHub accounts, please contact us about your duplicate accounts and we will merge them for you. Merging your accounts will collect all your exam details from your various accounts into one, and eliminate the need for you to use the steps above to access your future appointments and other exam assets.