You must redeem the voucher and take your exam before the voucher's expiration date.
To redeem an exam voucher, follow these steps:
- Log in to the HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification Exam Portal.
- Navigate to the Certiverse platform via the left side menu.
- Follow the prompts on the Certiverse page to schedule an exam.
- Choose the button for “voucher” when prompted, and enter your voucher code instead of credit card information to complete your registration.
One Voucher is good for one online proctored “HashiCorp Certified: Exam” attempt during an available appointment slot. Attempts may result in a pass or fail outcome, but each attempt counts as a Voucher use regardless of the outcome. A “fail” outcome will result in no certification being issued. Vouchers cannot be redeemed for exams during in-person or digital events. Vouchers may not be canceled, are non-refundable, non-assignable, and may not be combined with any other discount, promotion, or offer. Vouchers are void if sold or given away outside of the company/person they were issued to. If the Participant uses a voucher to schedule an exam, HashiCorp reserves the right to share personal information and results with the voucher purchaser.