Associate Exams
Our Associate exams are 1 hour long, but exam appointments can run longer to accommodate setup time. To be safe, set aside at least 90 minutes for your appointment.
Professional Exams
Our Professional exams are 4 hours long, but exam appointments can run longer to accommodate setup time. To be safe, set aside at least 5 hours for your appointment. Professional exams allow a 15-minute break that can be requested once at any point during the exam. The exam timer does not stop during the break, and you must notify the proctor before taking the break.
All Appointments - Before your Appointment
It is every customer's responsibility to ensure they are prepared for their appointment by reviewing and adhering to the program requirements. Failure to adhere to the program rules listed in the handbook can result in forfeiture of your appointment fees.
All Appointments - Appointment Walkthrough
We suggest launching your exam 15 minutes early to allow for appointment setup and proctor connection. Note that your appointment will not start before your scheduled start time, even if you join early and are ready to launch.
- Log in to the HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification Exam Portal.
- Navigate to the Certiverse platform via the left side menu.
- In Certiverse, choose “My Exams” from the top menu.
- Follow the prompts on the Certiverse page to join your exam.
After choosing to “Start Exam”, you will begin the “Pre-flight” check-in process. This is where you will allow access to your camera and microphone, validate your ID and room set-up, etc. You will also be connected to your proctor. Use the chat function to communicate directly with your proctor.
After completing your exam, you will be asked to fill out a short survey. This survey helps us improve our program for exam-takers like you, so we appreciate your time in filling it out.