When you pass one of our exams, we automatically issue your credentials (badge and the corresponding certificate) to the name on your HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certification Exam Portal.
If you have your “preferred name” in your profile before you take your exam, this is the name that will appear on your credentials. If the “preferred name” fields are blank, your “full name” will appear on your credentials.
Updating the name on your badge and certificate
Submit a ticket to us with a selfie of you holding the ID you used to enter your appointment (your face and the ID must be visible), and the reason you need your name adjusted. This must be ticket must be sent from the name that appears on your ID.
If the name you want to appear on your credentials does not match the name on your ID, we will include this name in the “preferred name” fields of your profile. Your full name will remain in the “full name” fields, so any future exam appointments are not affected.