HashiCorp is changing exam platforms on May 1. Below are some frequently asked questions related to this migration. Submit a ticket if you have a question that is not answered here.
The Certification team will keep this list up to date with the most frequent questions as we get closer to May 1.
What is Certiverse?
Certiverse is HashiCorp’s certification exam platform. You purchase (or use a voucher), schedule, and access all exams in Certiverse.
Certiverse is replacing our current platform, PSI, on May 1.
Do I need to create a new account to access Certiverse?
No. You will keep your HashiCorp Certification Exam Portal account. This account will have your complete exam and appointment history.
Always start in your Exam Portal and you will be routed to the correct place for your exam appointment.
What is the last day I can take an exam in PSI?
April 30, 2024 subject to availability.
What is the last day I can register for a new exam in PSI?
April 29, 2024 is the last day to register for a new appointment in PSI, subject to appointment availability.
When can I purchase an exam in Certiverse?
Registration for exam appointments in Certiverse will open on May 1, 2024.
I want to take an exam in May (or later), why can’t I book an exam appointment now?
Certiverse and PSI have two separate scheduling systems. You cannot purchase an exam appointment in PSI and complete the appointment in Certiverse.
If you want to take an appointment in May or later, you have to wait until Certiverse appointment registration opens on May 1.
How do I get to Certiverse to take my exam?
Access your Certiverse exam appointments through your HashiCorp Certification Exam Portal, just as you do today.
I have an unused, unexpired exam voucher. What should I do?
Look for an email from the HashiCorp Certification team with next steps.
Rest assured, you will not lose the value of your unused, unexpired exam voucher.
I already registered for an exam in PSI. I want to reschedule and take it in Certiverse. How do I do so?
Exam appointments booked in PSI will not carry over to Certiverse. If you have an existing exam appointment that you want to reschedule to May (or later), you will have to cancel your exam in the PSI platform.
- If you purchased your PSI appointment with a credit card, you will receive a refund for the exam fee.
- If you purchased your PSI appointment with a voucher, the value of the voucher will be restored. Please see above for more information on using vouchers in Certiverse.
Note: some people are having trouble canceling their appointments in PSI. If you run into trouble when canceling, please reach out to certifications@hashicorp.com.
I tried to cancel my appointment in PSI, but was unable to. What should I do?
If you purchased your appointment before October 2023, you will be unable to cancel from your PSI dashboard. Contact certifications@hashicorp.com to manually cancel your appointment.